The Granny Project by Anne Fine

I realize this might probably seem to some a youngish-teenage read (as in, for those no older than thirteen) but I've read it and re-read it a lot and I absolutely love it!

The Harris family is made up of: Ivan, Sophie (whose ages are never mentioned but you get the idea that they're teenagers), Nicholas and Tanya (again, no ages mentioned, but it IS mentioned that they're younger than Ivan and Sophie), their parents Henry and Natasha (who's Russian) and finally, the cause of the whole thing, Granny.

Henry and Natasha have had enough of taking care of Mrs Harris and want to put her in a Home. The children disagree. They make a plan: Ivan and Sophie will team up for their Social Science project, which they'll write on elderly people in the community, focusing the project on their own family; while Tanya and Nicholas will have nightmares, scream and basically do whatever else they can to keep up the pressure on their parents. Seems simple enough, right? But as we all know, things have a knack for not working out as planned. A funny read, you will not be disappointed!

1 comment:

  1. Ivan - 14 Sophie - same age Tanya - 10 Nicholas - 9
