
Ah, religion. That topic that you can't safely discuss without voices being raised, accusations of immorality and terrorism, maybe even cursing, even though that's the total opposite of what religion is all about.  Why is it such a dangerous topic? Is it because people are afraid of other people making fun of their beliefs, so they lash out before the other side gets a chance? Or is it because it has so many political undertones?

We all hold on tightly to our beliefs because, let's face it, they determine a lot about us, what we do, what we think of certain topics, how we go about our daily lives, etc. Which is fine. After all, your mind is in YOUR head, so no-one can make it up for you. But making fun of other people just because they have a different set of beliefs? That is flat-out unacceptable.

I, as a Muslim teenager, am growing up in a world that perceives the word 'Muslim' to be a synonym for 'terrorist'. Of course, I don't mean everyone thinks that way. Just like I don't want to be stereotyped, I refuse to stereotype others. But there are certain people who do believe that, and believe it or not, I can understand their position. I mean, if the media, your government, and basically everyone around you was telling you something about people you've never even met before, then you're probably going to believe it. That's no excuse, though. Hearing something so many times and from different sources doesn't mean it's true; it only means that it's a common idea.

Just like I can understand the positions of those close-minded individuals, I can also understand the positions of terrorists. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they're right or anything, I think what they do is brutal, flat-out murder. But again, they probably believed what they were told or they couldn't find any other way to get their point across. They might even have been brainwashed. Again, that's absolutely no excuse for what they do, but in order to try to understand things, you have to look at both sides. However, these people are not true Muslims. Islam is about peace, and these people go around bombing up places with innocent people in them, so how can they be Muslims? I truly believe that terrorism has no religion. That's also applied to the situation in Palestine. After all, Israel's a Jewish country, and it's basically taking away a people's land and murdering them, which I think qualifies as grounds for terrorism. Does that mean that all Jews are terrorists? No, it does not.

In my opinion, those who label Muslims or Middle-Eastern citizens (who, by the way, aren't all Muslims) as terrorists, are either one of two things: a) using this generalization to get where they want politically or b) just believing it because it seems to be the general consensus. These people either don't bother to find out what Islam is, or couldn't care less. So, naturally, they are ineligible to judge.

Whatever your religion is, be it Christianity, Judaism, Islam, atheism, Buddhism or whatever, it's up to you. It's a personal thing, really. So long as your religion doesn't actually order you to hurt people, then do whatever you want. Only God can judge people on religion, human beings have no authority to do so. Sure, if you want to give other people some friendly advice, share your views, then by all means go ahead. But you can't force them into agreeing with you.

You can't say you want world peace, and then refuse to look objectively at situations. Like I said before, in order to achieve peace, we have to be a little more open-minded and objective about things. No one's telling you to change your beliefs, but just don't condemn others'.


  1. Wow... great post! Considering you age (teenager) I find this post very enlightening and very reassuring. It is nice to know that there are young people out there that do care about world relations. Now, if we can just get the adults in this world to see things through your eyes and thoughts on this subject, maybe we could get some of the useless violence to stop.

  2. Let's just hope that someday we'll be able to end all that madness.

    And thank you!

  3. I thought that this post was really interesting. Religion has always been such a touchy subject for me and for many people, I am sure.

    First, if a person ever judged your religion or beliefs...well that just pisses me off. Who is that person to tell you that what you believe in is wrong and his is right? God? :P

    No. Religion was supposed to unite all human beings in harmony, and instead, we keep fighting over it...or in its name.

    I don't believe in "religion", but I do believe in God. I believe that there's a force greater than all of us, but I don't believe in the religion created by men.

    I feel very strongly about beliefs and how unique they are to the person. No one should tell you to change your religion or just "change".

    Great post!


  4. I completely agree with what you said about how religion is supposed to unite us, and instead people fight over it, or just use it as an excuse for war or other disturbing things.

    Your beliefs are your private business; you shouldn't be stereotyped because of them!

    Thank you :)
