The Bond that Is Humanity

You meet a new friend and find out that they already know ten friends of yours, each of whom you know from a completely different place, and who are totally unrelated to each other.

Or are they?

The truth is, we shouldn't be fascinated when a situation like this occurs because, in fact, it's natural! The saying "it's a small world" didn't come from nothing, it came from the fact that is indeed a small world. Yes, I do comprehend the mind-boggling fact that there are over 6 or maybe even 7 billion people on the face of the earth (probably even more, since population counts aren't really that thorough), but in the end, aren't we all human? No matter what happens, that is a bond we share that is stronger and tighter than any other. We are human--different types of human, yes, but still human--and at the end, we'll all stand before God as one to be judged by our actions, and not by anything else.

So let's appreciate and honour this bond by doing good to others, respecting others, helping others...and always, always, always remembering that what affects one, might just ultimately affect all.