I Can't Get No Satisfaction

Life. How many philosophical musings have started with or included that word? Philosophy itself is a means to understand life; to try to put together the pieces and just...understand. But the truth is, maybe we never will.

Take a look at the sky. The longer you keep looking, the more that beautiful blue colour turns into these little pixels. Life appears to be pretty much the same. Sometimes it seems to a person that they understand something, but upon looking, they find a million questions popping up at them.

The ultimate quest in most of our lives is to be satisfied. We keep running after that feeling, and a lot of times we end up not getting it. A lot of people would say that satisfaction to them means being happy, but not necessarily. Most of us are just trying to get out of that whirlpool we're stuck in, but we never ask ourselves the question: If we do get out, where will we go? Is your life shaped by the things that happen to you or is it shaped by you? I now think that your happiness and satisfaction depends on you more than it depends on outside sources, because everyone has their own likes and dislikes, their own wishes and dreams. Plus, how else can you explain that everyone finds a way to be dissatisfied, even people with truly great lives?

This brings up another question: If our satisfaction depends more on us than on outside factors, then why are we always cursing life? Why are we always saying that it's not fair? You know, deep down, that even people with perfect lives aren't really satisfied, then why are you regretting what you have? Deep down, we're all the same: We all want what we don't have, and when we have it, we don't want it anymore. This has got to be Man's greatest fault, the fault that made him ruin the world.

What we should do, I think (and of course, it's easier said than done! Especially for me), is try to stop reaching out for that something, that thing that we don't even know what it is, but reach for it anyway. That thing that represents everything we don't have but want. By that, I don't mean not following your dreams; I mean live in the moment in order to make your dreams come true. Because honestly, if you're always looking for something you don't have, then when will you have the time to reach your goals? And besides, if life was perfect, we still wouldn't be satisfied, because we'd think it was boring!

So, whenever your mind is swearing away at life, stop it. Remind it that life has done nothing to you, and that this is just a common illness in mankind. Maybe, together united, we can try to just let go...and breathe.

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