Ending the Chain of Pain

They say revenge is sweet...but I think letting go is sweeter.

Let's not lie here, we all like revenge. We want to make the person who caused our pain feel it, it's just human nature. It makes us feel more in control and like we came out on top. But really, what did we win? Instead of stopping the chain of hurt and pain, we became one of its links! Yes, we felt victorious for a while, but was it really worth it?

Now, let me tell you why I think forgiveness is better. To forgive doesn't mean you're weak, or stupid, or an old wise calm sage. The point of forgiveness is to CHALLENGE what you want. You want revenge. Revenge will make you feel better. You know it's pointless, and yet you still want it. When you try to forgive and let go, you're defying your desires, not just to stop that vicious cycle, but also to heal yourself on the inside. To help you accept what happened and move on. You could have gotten back at whoever caused your pain, but you didn't. This in itself is strength and patience.

I believe forgiveness doesn't just happen in the blink of an eye, and it doesn't come naturally. You have to TRY to forgive by finding other, more useful ways to vent your anger and frustration. The chances of you letting go and moving on are much higher when you forgive than when you take revenge. It may not be easier, but in the end it's for the best. So stop clinging, move on, breathe, live...

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