It's My Birthday...

...and I'm one year older. Well, technically, it WAS my birthday, since it is now 4:24 AM, which is after 00:00, so basically my birthday's over. But I read somewhere - The Murder of Bindy Mackenzie by Jacklyn Moriarty, to be exact - that your birthday's on-going till you sleep. So what if I NEVER sleep? Will it ALWAYS be my birthday? And what's up with birthdays anyway? Why do people treat you nicely and call you and text you and post on your Facebook Wall just because you were born on this same day whatever number of years ago? Don't you find it slightly odd?

If aliens ever conquer the earth, they'll probably abolish birthdays. Minus the presents though. We gotta have presents.


  1. Happy Birthday!
    & I couldn't agree more, why am I suddenly special because it's the anniversary of being expelled from my mother's uterus.
    She did all the work!
